How to search for a Substring in String array? I need to search for a Substring in the string array. The string can be located in any part of the array (element) or within
To find the substrings in the String array using C#
List searchitem = new List();
string[] arrayStrings = {
"Welcome to SanJose",
"Welcome to San Fancisco","Welcome to New York",
"Welcome to Orlando", "Welcome to San Martin",
"This string has Welcome to San in the middle of it"
string searchkey = "Welcome to San";
for (int i = 0; i < arrayStrings.Length; i++)
if (arrayStrings[i].Contains(searchkey))//checking whether the searchkey contains in the string array
searchitem.Add(arrayStrings[i]);//adding the matching item to the list
string searchresult = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, searchitem);
Output for Searchresult:
Welcome to SanJose
Welcome to San Fancisco
Welcome to San Martin
This string has Welcome to San in the middle of it