I\'m trying to submit a form the normal way in a AngularJS application but I encounter an issue : it seems that I must specify the action attribute.
According to the
I created a small directive to solve this:
.directive('form', ['$location', function($location) {
return {
priority: 999,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(scope, element, attrs){
if (attrs.noaction === '') return;
if (attrs.action === undefined || attrs.action === ''){
attrs.action = $location.absUrl();
Seems to be good for me. It looks for a form where the action is empty, and sets it to the current url.
Actually, it doesn't set the action - it sets the attr value, so the actual form directive thinks it's got one.
Update by @Reimund is good - I have actually had to do the same.
New Update - I have added the option to add a noaction
attribute to the form element; this enables you to return to a "normal" angular situation. Otherwise this directive will submit forms twice if using ajax.