I\'m trying to extract email addresses from an existing comments field and put it into its own column. The string may be something like this \"this is an example comment wit
For strings that contain new line characters I modified Felix's answer using PATINDEX
to search for the first control character rather than white space.
I also had to modify the Right
field to subtract the correct amount of text.
WITH CteEmail(email) AS(
SELECT 'example string with new lines
Email: some.example@email.address.com
(first email address - should be returned)
Email: another@test.co.uk
(other email addresses should be ignored
more example text' UNION ALL
SELECT 'Email: some.example@email.address.com' UNION ALL
SELECT 'someemail@domain.org' UNION ALL
SELECT 'some text someemail@domain.org some text' UNION ALL
SELECT 'no email'
,CteStrings AS(
[Left] = LEFT(email, CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) - 1),
Reverse_Left = REVERSE(LEFT(email, CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) - 1)),
[Right] = RIGHT(email, LEN(email) - CHARINDEX('@', email, 0) + 1 )
FROM CteEmail
WHERE email LIKE '%@%'
SUBSTRING(Reverse_Left, 0,
WHEN PATINDEX('%[' + CHAR(10)+'- ]%', Reverse_Left) = 0 THEN LEN(Reverse_Left) + 1
ELSE PATINDEX('%[' + CHAR(0)+'- ]%', Reverse_Left)
SUBSTRING([Right], 0,
WHEN PATINDEX('%[' + CHAR(0)+'- ]%', [Right]) = 0 THEN LEN([Right]) + 1
ELSE PATINDEX('%[' + CHAR(0)+'- ]%', [Right])
FROM CteStrings