I have defined three aliases in my .bash_profile
but my bash shell is not reading it. The aliases defined are not working in my terminal and I couldn\'t resolve
We still don't know why aliases are not loaded automatically.
Your aliases should be loaded from the .bash_profile
. This is the default behaviour of bash in OS X.
mklement0 wrote more about the problem in their answer in this thread.
Open the Preferences of the Terminal. You specify the command you start your shell with:
Instead of manually sourcing your dotfiles every time you can specify which file you want to source when the shell opens. Here is the list of options for bash
Usage: bash [GNU long option] [option] ...
bash [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:
Shell options:
-irsD or -c command or -O shopt_option (invocation only)
-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option
You might consider using /bin/bash --rcfile alias_file_of_yours
or something similar.
command.As a side note I do recommend you to check out goat. It lets you manage such cd
aliases easily.
I use it and I wrote it.