At Interface TakesScreenshot page I found this:
Capture the screenshot and store it in the specified location. For WebDriver extending TakesScreens
The documentation would indicate that it is supported, but in practice, it does not work (at least not with the .Net bindings):
var screenshotTaker = element as ITakesScreenshot;
var image = screenshotTaker.GetScreenshot();
image.SaveAsFile(fileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg); // << null exception thrown here
There is a workaround that has worked for me - execute javascript on the page to get the location of the element:
const string javascript = "return arguments[0].getBoundingClientRect()";
var obj = (Dictionary)((IJavaScriptExecutor)_core.Driver).ExecuteScript(javascript, element);
var rect = new Rectangle((int)double.Parse(obj["left"].ToString()),
That will give you the location of the element within the viewport, at which point you can take a screenshot of the entire page and crop it down to just the bounds of the element.
Hopefully that helps...