I\'m trying to create a more efficient script that creates a new column
based off values in another column. The script below performs this but I can only select
# DataFrame Given
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Day' : ['Mon','Tues','Mon','Wed','Thurs','Fri','Mon','Sat','Sun','Tues'],
'Location' : ['Home','Home','Away','Home','Home','Home','Home','Home','Home','Away'],
Unique_group = ['Mon','Tues','Wed']
df['Group'] = df['Day'].apply(lambda x:1 if x in Unique_group else 2)
df['Assign'] = np.zeros(len(df))
# Assigning the ditionary values for output from numeric
vals = dict([(i,'C'+str(i)) for i in range(len(df))])
Loop to cut the dataframe for each line and checking the previous 'Assign' column info to assign new value
for i in range(1,len(df)+1,1):
# Slicing the Dataframe line by line
df1 = df[:i]
# Incorporating the conditions of Group and Location
df1 = df1[(df1.Location == df1.Location.loc[i-1]) & (df1.Group == df1.Group.loc[i-1]) ]
# Writing the 'Assign' value for the first line of sliced df
if len(df1)==1:
df.loc[i-1,'Assign'] = df[:i].Assign.max()+1
# Writing the 'Assign value based on previous values if it has contiuos 2 values of same group
elif (df1.Assign.value_counts()[df1.Assign.max()] <3):
df.loc[i-1,'Assign'] = df1.Assign.max()
# Writing 'Assign' value for new group
df.loc[i-1,'Assign'] = df[:i]['Assign'].max()+1
df.Assign = df.Assign.map(vals)
Day Location Group Assign
0 Mon Home 1 C1
1 Tues Home 1 C1
2 Mon Away 1 C2
3 Wed Home 1 C1
4 Thurs Home 2 C3
5 Fri Home 2 C3
6 Mon Home 1 C4
7 Sat Home 2 C3
8 Sun Home 2 C5
9 Tues Away 1 C2