I raise some basis b to the power p and take the modulo m of that.
Let\'s assume b=55170 or 55172 and m=3043839241 (which happens to be the square of 55171). The li
Not familiar with Scala, but...
def powMod (b: Long, pot: Int, mod: Long) : Long = {
if (pot == 1) b % mod else {
val pot2 = pot/2
val pm1 = powMod (b, pot, mod)
val pm2 = powMod (b, pot-pot2, mod)
(pm1 * pm2) % mod
Did you mean
val pm1 = powMod (b, pot2, mod)
Notice the pot2 instead of pot.
Strangely, it seems that this should loop forever/overflow the stack, but who knows what Scala is doing.