I like to use the navigation history provided by Eclipse in my RCP Application. Unfortunately this feature isn\'t well documented. In fact I only found this Wiki entry: http
I have found the solution. In order to use the Navigation History in your Eclipse RCP application you have to add the following lines of code to your ApplicationActionBarAdvisor
* Fills the cool bar with the main toolbars for the window.
* The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override.
* @param coolBar
* the cool bar manager
protected void fillCoolBar( ICoolBarManager coolBar ) {
IToolBarManager navigation = new ToolBarManager( SWT.FLAT );
IAction backward = getAction( IWorkbenchCommandConstants.NAVIGATE_BACKWARD_HISTORY );
IAction forward = getAction( IWorkbenchCommandConstants.NAVIGATE_FORWARD_HISTORY );
navigation.add( backward );
navigation.add( forward );
coolBar.add( navigation );
* Instantiates the actions used in the fill methods. Use
* {@link #register(IAction)} to register the action with the key binding
* service and add it to the list of actions to be disposed when the window
* is closed.
* @param window
* the window containing the action bars
protected void makeActions( IWorkbenchWindow window ) {
IAction backward = ActionFactory.BACKWARD_HISTORY.create( window );
backward.setId( IWorkbenchCommandConstants.NAVIGATE_BACKWARD_HISTORY );
IAction forward = ActionFactory.FORWARD_HISTORY.create( window );
forward.setId( IWorkbenchCommandConstants.NAVIGATE_FORWARD_HISTORY );
register( backward );
register( forward );