I\'ve have created a small visualisation of particles in python. I\'m caclulation the movement of particels in a 2D space with zero gravity. As each particle attracts all o
Not sure if this will help you out much but it's part of a solution I've been working on for the same problem. I didn't notice a huge gain in performance doing it this way, still starting to grind to a halt around 200 particles, but maybe it'll give you some ideas.
C++ module for calculating the x and y components of gravitational attraction on a 2d plane:
double _acceleration(double &Vxa, double &Vya, double &Vxb, double &Vyb, double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb, double massa, double massb)
double xdiff = xa - xb;
double ydiff = ya - yb;
double distance = sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff) * pow(10, 5);
if (distance <= 0)
distance = 1;
double force = (6.674 * pow(10, -11))*(massa*massb)/(distance*distance);
double acca = force / massa;
double accb = force / massb;
double xcomponent = xdiff/distance;
double ycomponent = ydiff/distance;
Vxa -= acca * xcomponent;
Vya -= acca * ycomponent;
Vxb += accb * xcomponent;
Vyb += accb * ycomponent;
return distance;
static PyObject* gforces(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
double Vxa, Vya, Vxb, Vyb, xa, ya, xb, yb, massa, massb, distance;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ffffdffffdffffdd", &Vxa, &Vya, &Vxb, &Vyb, &xa, &ya, &xb, &yb, &massa, &massb))
return NULL;
distance = _acceleration(Vxa, Vya, Vxb, Vyb, xa, ya, xb, yb, massa, massb);
return Py_BuildValue("ffffffffd", Vxa, Vya, Vxb, Vyb, distance);
static PyMethodDef GForcesMethods[] = {
{"gforces", gforces, METH_VARARGS, "Calculate the x and y acceleration of two masses and the distance between the two."},
(void) Py_InitModule("gforces", GForcesMethods);
If you compile this as a pyd file you should get a python object that you can import. You do have to get all your compiler and linker options correct though. I'm using dev-C++ and have my compiler options set to -shared -o gforces.pyd and linker set to -lpython27 (make sure you use the same version you have installed) and add your python directory path to the includes and libraries tabs.
The object takes the arguments ( p1.speedx, p1.speedy, p2.speedx, p2.speedy, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p1.mass, p2.mass ) and returns the new p1.speedx, p1.speedy, p2.speedx, p2.speedy, and distance between p1 p2.
Using the above module, I've also tried to cut out a few steps for the collision detection by comparing the returned distance to the sum of the particles' radii as such:
def updateForces(self): #part of a handler class for the particles
prevDone = []
for i in self.planetGroup: #planetGroup is a sprite group from pygame
for j in self.planetGroup:
if not (j.ID in prevDone): #my particles have unique IDs
distance = i.calcGForce( j ) #calcGForce just calls the above
if distance <= i.radius + j.radius: #object and assigns the returned
#collision handling goes here #values for the x and y speed
#components to the particles
Hope this helps a bit. Any further advice or pointing out of gross errors on my part is welcome, I'm new to this as well.