I want to limit the size of records inside a group, and here is my trial, how to do it right?
mysql> select * from accounts limit 5 group by type;
The point of an aggregate function (and the GROUP BY it requires) is to turn many rows into one row. So if you really just want the top 5 savings accounts and the top 5 chequing accounts and the top 5 USD accounts etc., what you need is more like this:
criteria: top 5 of particular account type by account_balance
SELECT account_type, account_balance FROM accounts WHERE account_type='savings'
ORDER BY account_balance DESC LIMIT 5
SELECT account_type, account_balance FROM accounts WHERE account_type='chequing'
ORDER BY account_balance DESC LIMIT 5
SELECT account_type, account_balance FROM accounts WHERE account_type='USD'
ORDER BY account_balance DESC LIMIT 5;
It's not pretty, but if you construct the SQL with a script then subbing in the account_types and concatenating together a query is straightforward.