In sql i am using union i don\'t know how to write it in zend db.
select m.*, 0 as is_shared from test m where user_id = $userId
select m.*,1 as is_sh
For future reference, in Zend Framework 2.3 this is done with combine.
For example:
use \Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
use \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
$sql = new Sql(/* ADAPTER HERE */);
$tag1 = new Select( ['a' => 'articles'] );
$tag1->columns( [ 'tag' => 'first_tag'] );
$tag1->where->in('', $articleIds);
$tag2 = new Select( ['a' => 'articles'] );
$tag2->columns( [ 'tag' => 'second_tag'] );
$tag2->where->in('', $articleIds);
$tag3 = new Select( ['a' => 'articles'] );
$tag3->columns( [ 'tag' => 'third_tag'] );
$tag3->where->in('', $articleIds);
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($tag3);