I am confused with the output of below code when I execute it.
int add(int a, int b)
cout<<\"inside int add function\"<
the line cout<
inside int add function
inside float add function
Thats because to print to cout
firstly calls add(10.0f , 20.0f)
and stores the output to a internal variable, then calls add(10, 20)
and stores the output to another internal variable, and finally it prints the returned values. Something like this:
float a = add(10.0f, 20.0f);
int b = add(10, 20);
cout << a << endl << b;
In this case, if you want to print as you wish, try to print first one function, and then the other:
cout << add(10.0f, 20.0f) << endl;
cout << add(10, 20);