I\'m trying to use mongoimport to upsert data with string values in _id. Since the ids look like integers (even though they\'re in quotes), mongoimport treats them as intege
Unfortunately there is not now a way to force number-like strings to be interpreted as strings:
You could write a script in Python or some other language with which you're comfortable, along the lines of:
import csv, pymongo
connection = pymongo.Connection()
collection = connection.mydatabase.mycollection
reader = csv.DictReader(open('myfile.csv'))
for line in reader:
print '_id', line['_id']
upsert_fields = {
'_id': line['_id'],
'my_other_upsert_field': line['my_other_upsert_field']}
collection.update(upsert_fields, line, upsert=True, safe=True)