Apparently, the new Objective-C literals have landed into the clang trunk, and thus lifted the shadowy veil of any NDA\'s.
My question… HOW can I,
I found a non-official way to do this… Using the Lumumba Framework on github, there is a whole kit'n'caboodle of Syntactic sugar categories that had the following defines… which achieve the desired effect.
#define $(...) ((NSString *)[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__,nil])
#define $array(...) ((NSArray *)[NSArray arrayWithObjects:__VA_ARGS__,nil])
#define $set(...) ((NSSet *)[NSSet setWithObjects:__VA_ARGS__,nil])
#define $map(...) ((NSDictionary *)[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:__VA_ARGS__,nil])
#define $int(A) [NSNumber numberWithInt:(A)]
#define $ints(...) [NSArray arrayWithInts:__VA_ARGS__,NSNotFound]
#define $float(A) [NSNumber numberWithFloat:(A)]
#define $doubles(...) [NSArray arrayWithDoubles:__VA_ARGS__,MAXFLOAT]
#define $words(...) [[@#__VA_ARGS__ splitByComma] trimmedStrings]
#define $concat(A,...) { A = [A arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:((NSArray *)[NSArray arrayWithObjects:__VA_ARGS__,nil])]; }
So, basically, instead of…
NSArray *anArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
object, @"aWord", [NSNumber numberWithInt:7], nil];
It's just…
NSArray *anArray = $array(object, @"aWord", $int(7));
Ahhh, brevity.