I have the following functions to generate md5-hashes for files. The functions work great for small files, but crashes and generate Run-time error 7 - Out of memory<
It looks like you reached the memory limit. A better way would be to compute the MD5 of the file by block:
Public Function ComputeMD5(filepath As String) As String
Dim buffer() As Byte, svc As Object, hFile%, blockSize&, i&
blockSize = 2 ^ 16
' open the file '
If Len(Dir(filepath)) Then Else Err.Raise 5, , "file not found" & vbCr & filepath
hFile = FreeFile
Open filepath For Binary Access Read As hFile
' allocate buffer '
If LOF(hFile) < blockSize Then blockSize = ((LOF(hFile) + 1024) \ 1024) * 1024
ReDim buffer(0 To blockSize - 1)
' compute hash '
Set svc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
For i = 1 To LOF(hFile) \ blockSize
Get hFile, , buffer
svc.TransformBlock buffer, 0, blockSize, buffer, 0
Get hFile, , buffer
svc.TransformFinalBlock buffer, 0, LOF(hFile) Mod blockSize
buffer = svc.Hash
' cleanup '
Close hFile
' convert to an hexa string '
ComputeMD5 = String$(32, "0")
For i = 0 To 15
Mid$(ComputeMD5, i + i + 2 + (buffer(i) > 15)) = Hex(buffer(i))
End Function