I am using a \"multi module\" MVC structure for my PhalconPHP application.
One issue I am trying to figure out is how I can configure my \"Main Layout\" view to be <
What you are looking for cannot be done at this version (0.5.0 stable) or the next one 0.6.0 (since it is frozen, pending release).
In your module you register your views
// /module1/Module.php
// Registering the view component
function () {
$view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();
return $view;
// /module2/Module.php
// Registering the view component
function () {
$view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();
return $view;
and so on.
You can also have a master view that will be common for all modules, but not a combination of the two.
//Registering a shared view component
function() {
$view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();
return $view;
See this example on Github.
This could very well be a NFR for the 0.7 version.