I am using bootstrap typeahead.
It depends on this jQuery code to work:
el.on(\'keyup\', doSomething() )
On Chrome on Windows it wo
I came across this same problem earlier today. How can android chrome not support these key events! I assume you've found a workaround by now, but here's a fix that I came up with for now.
function newKeyUpDown(originalFunction, eventType) {
return function() {
if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) { // if it's a touch device, or test here specifically for android chrome
var $element = $(this), $input = null;
if (/input/i.test($element.prop('tagName')))
$input = $element;
else if ($('input', $element).size() > 0)
$input = $($('input', $element).get(0));
if ($input) {
var currentVal = $input.val(), checkInterval = null;
$input.focus(function(e) {
checkInterval = setInterval(function() {
if ($input.val() != currentVal) {
var event = jQuery.Event(eventType);
currentVal = $input.val();
event.which = event.keyCode = (currentVal && currentVal.length > 0) ? currentVal.charCodeAt(currentVal.length - 1) : '';
}, 30);
$input.blur(function() {
return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.keyup = newKeyUpDown($.fn.keyup, 'keyup');
$.fn.keydown = newKeyUpDown($.fn.keydown, 'keydown');