I\'ve written a function, sieve(n)
, that uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to return an array of all primes up to n
sieve(25) # ==>
The sieve of Eratosthenes always has to start from the beginning; you can't sieve in some arbitrary interval since you'd loose all smaller primes. So you don't have to care for a lower bound, only for an upper bound. Which you gave, and which Wikipedia confirms:
pn < n ln (n ln n) for n ≥ 6
So simply take that bound, plug in your n and iterate till you have found n primes. Your sieve will usually be a bit too big, but not too much if the bound is reasonably tight, which I expect to be the case.
See here for a table of that bound or here for a plot. By the way, the code creating the table is doing the same thing. I wanted at least 500 entries, so I computed
n = 500
lst = list(range(2, ceil(n*log(n*log(n)))))
ps = []
while lst:
p = lst[0] # next prime
lst = [i for i in lst if i % p != 0]
and got a bit over 500 primes out of it, for which I then could show you how the computed bound compares to the actual value.