I\'m writing a custom training loop using the code provided in the Tensorflow DCGAN implementation guide. I wanted to add callbacks in the training loop. In Keras I know we
The simplest way would be to check if the loss has changed over your expected period and break or manipulate the training process if not. Here is one way you could implement a custom early stopping callback :
def Callback_EarlyStopping(LossList, min_delta=0.1, patience=20):
#No early stopping for 2*patience epochs
if len(LossList)//patience < 2 :
return False
#Mean loss for last patience epochs and second-last patience epochs
mean_previous = np.mean(LossList[::-1][patience:2*patience]) #second-last
mean_recent = np.mean(LossList[::-1][:patience]) #last
#you can use relative or absolute change
delta_abs = np.abs(mean_recent - mean_previous) #abs change
delta_abs = np.abs(delta_abs / mean_previous) # relative change
if delta_abs < min_delta :
print("*CB_ES* Loss didn't change much from last %d epochs"%(patience))
print("*CB_ES* Percent change in loss value:", delta_abs*1e2)
return True
return False
This Callback_EarlyStopping
checks your metrics/loss every epoch and returns True
if the relative change is less than what you expected by computing moving average of losses after every patience
number of epochs. You can then capture this True
signal and break the training loop. To completely answer your question, within your sample training loop you can use this as:
gen_loss_seq = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
#in your example, make sure your train_step returns gen_loss
gen_loss = train_step(dataset)
#ideally, you can have a validation_step and get gen_valid_loss
#check every 20 epochs and stop if gen_valid_loss doesn't change by 10%
stopEarly = Callback_EarlyStopping(gen_loss_seq, min_delta=0.1, patience=20)
if stopEarly:
print("Callback_EarlyStopping signal received at epoch= %d/%d"%(epoch,epochs))
print("Terminating training ")
Of course, you can increase the complexity in numerous ways, for example, which loss or metrics you would like to track, your interest in the loss at a particular epoch or moving average of loss, your interest in relative or absolute change in value, etc. You can refer to Tensorflow 2.x implementation of tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping
here which is generally used in the popular tf.keras.Model.fit