Does anybody know of any sample code laying around anywhere that would enable me to resize a picturebox at runtime when the mouse cursor is draging the bottom right edge of
You can use Use this "home made" class. For a correct functioning you shuld have a container and a resizer element inside it, like a thin image working as a resizing border. The controlToResize is the container itself. You can put all you want inside the control. Example:
ControlResizer.Init(myPictureBox, myTableLayoutPanel, ControlResizer.Direction.Vertical, Cursors.SizeNS);
Here is the class.
class ControlResizer
public enum Direction
public static void Init(Control resizer, Control controlToResize, Direction direction, Cursor cursor)
bool dragging = false;
Point dragStart = Point.Empty;
int maxBound;
int minBound;
resizer.MouseHover += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
resizer.Cursor = cursor;
resizer.MouseDown += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
dragStart = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
resizer.Capture = true;
resizer.MouseUp += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = false;
resizer.Capture = false;
resizer.MouseMove += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging)
if (direction == Direction.Vertical)
minBound = resizer.Height;
maxBound = controlToResize.Parent.Height - controlToResize.Top - 20;
controlToResize.Height = Math.Min(maxBound , Math.Max(minBound, controlToResize.Height + (e.Y - dragStart.Y)) );
if (direction == Direction.Horizontal)
minBound = resizer.Width;
maxBound = controlToResize.Parent.Width - controlToResize.Left - 20;
controlToResize.Width = Math.Min(maxBound, Math.Max(minBound, controlToResize.Width + (e.X - dragStart.X)));