I need to create an ANSI text file from an Access recordset that outputs to JSON and YAML. I can write the file, but the output is coming out with the original characters, a
Late to the game here, but I can't be the only coder who got got fed up with my SQL imports being broken by text files with a Byte Order Marker. There are very few 'Stack questions that touch on the problem - this is one of closest - so I'm posting an overlapping answer here.
I say 'overlapping' because the code below is solving a slightly different problem to yours - the primary purpose is writing a Schema file for a folder with a heterogeneous collection of files - but the BOM-handling segment is clearly marked.
The key functionality is that we iterate through all the '.csv' files in a folder, and we test each file with a quick nibble of the first four bytes: and we only only strip out the Byte Order Marker if we see one.
After that, we're working in low-level file-handling code from the primordial C. We have to, all the way down to using byte arrays, because everything else that you do in VBA will deposit the Byte Order Markers embedded in the structure of a string variable.
So, without further adodb, here's the code:
Public Sub SetSchema(strFolder As String) On Error Resume Next
' Write a Schema.ini file to the data folder.
' This is necessary if we do not have the registry privileges to set the ' correct 'ImportMixedTypes=Text' registry value, which overrides IMEX=1
' The code also checks for ANSI or UTF-8 and UTF-16 files, and applies a ' usable setting for CharacterSet ( UNICODE|ANSI ) with a horrible hack.
' OEM codepage-defined text is not supported: further coding is required
' ...And we strip out Byte Order Markers, if we see them - the OLEDB SQL ' provider for textfiles can't deal with a BOM in a UTF-16 or UTF-8 file
' Not implemented: handling tab-delimited files or other delimiters. The ' code assumes a header row with columns, specifies 'scan all rows', and ' imposes 'read the column as text' if the data types are mixed.
Dim strSchema As String Dim strFile As String Dim hndFile As Long Dim arrFile() As Byte Dim arrBytes(0 To 4) As Byte
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then strFolder = strFolder & "\"
' Dir() is an iterator function when you call it with a wildcard:
strFile = VBA.FileSystem.Dir(strFolder & "*.csv")
Do While Len(strFile) > 0
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFolder & strFile For Binary As #hndFile Get #hndFile, , arrBytes Close #hndFile
strSchema = strSchema & "[" & strFile & "]" & vbCrLf strSchema = strSchema & "Format=CSVDelimited" & vbCrLf strSchema = strSchema & "ImportMixedTypes=Text" & vbCrLf strSchema = strSchema & "MaxScanRows=0" & vbCrLf
If arrBytes(2) = 0 Or arrBytes(3) = 0 Then ' this is a hack strSchema = strSchema & "CharacterSet=UNICODE" & vbCrLf Else strSchema = strSchema & "CharacterSet=ANSI" & vbCrLf End If
strSchema = strSchema & "ColNameHeader = True" & vbCrLf strSchema = strSchema & vbCrLf
' BOM disposal - Byte order marks confuse OLEDB text drivers:
If arrBytes(0) = &HFE And arrBytes(1) = &HFF _ Or arrBytes(0) = &HFF And arrBytes(1) = &HFE Then
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFolder & strFile For Binary As #hndFile ReDim arrFile(0 To LOF(hndFile) - 1) Get #hndFile, , arrFile Close #hndFile
BigReplace arrFile, arrBytes(0) & arrBytes(1), ""
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFolder & strFile For Binary As #hndFile Put #hndFile, , arrFile Close #hndFile Erase arrFile
ElseIf arrBytes(0) = &HEF And arrBytes(1) = &HBB And arrBytes(2) = &HBF Then
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFolder & strFile For Binary As #hndFile ReDim arrFile(0 To LOF(hndFile) - 1) Get #hndFile, , arrFile Close #hndFile BigReplace arrFile, arrBytes(0) & arrBytes(1) & arrBytes(2), ""
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFolder & strFile For Binary As #hndFile Put #hndFile, , arrFile Close #hndFile Erase arrFile
End If
strFile = "" strFile = Dir
If Len(strSchema) > 0 Then
strFile = strFolder & "Schema.ini"
hndFile = FreeFile Open strFile For Binary As #hndFile Put #hndFile, , strSchema Close #hndFile
End If
End Sub
Public Sub BigReplace(ByRef arrBytes() As Byte, ByRef SearchFor As String, ByRef ReplaceWith As String) On Error Resume Next
Dim varSplit As Variant
varSplit = Split(arrBytes, SearchFor) arrBytes = Join$(varSplit, ReplaceWith)
Erase varSplit
End Sub
The code's easier to understand if you know that a Byte Array can be assigned to a VBA.String, and vice versa. The BigReplace() function is a hack that sidesteps some of VBA's inefficient string-handling, especially allocation: you'll find that large files cause serious memory and performance problems if you do it any other way.