I have a web page which decodes wave files for certain reasons. Chrome and Safari seem to work fine. Firefox occasionally is unable to decode the file and gives the error:
That wav file is silent for first 20 seconds. I just downloaded it :
wget https://mpclubtest.s3.amazonaws.com/Malice_Bass.wav
I tried using chrome and the fiddle was silent, initially I thought due to fact I'm just using laptop speakers. A FFT using audacity says its just very low freqs starting after 20 sec of silence.
Web Audio API uses the computer's default sampling rate, which is typically 44.1kHz Since the file is using 48 kHz, is your machine configured with a 48 kHz smple rate ? If you resample that file which is 48 kHz down to 44.1kHz which is a typical computer's sample rate it'll probably work.