How can i add a image (specified image) into listview with foreach statement for example:
foreach(Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) {
If what you want is to show an image for your ListViewItem, then you need to create an ImageList, fill it with images, assign the ImageList to the ListView and then tell every ListViewItem which image from the list to use:
var listView = new ListView();
// create image list and fill it
var imageList = new ImageList();
imageList.Images.Add("itemImageKey", image);
// tell your ListView to use the new image list
listView.LargeImageList = imageList;
// add an item
var listViewItem = listView.Items.Add("Item with image");
// and tell the item which image to use
listViewItem.ImageKey = "itemImageKey";
You can read more about ListViewItem and how to set/use images in this MSDN article or in this MSDN tutorial.