We are using Webpack, React, Node.JS but I think this question is more generic that the specific technologies. I can use Webpack to configure the SPA when building for deve
I found one way of doing what is required. It is by setting a cookie with configuration details when serving the SPA. The SPA can then read that cookie to get the configuration (and delete the cookie because it is not needed any more).
There is a NPM module called ClientConfig that will assist in doing what I have described. It works very similar to a companion NPM module called GetConfig that helps with configuration on the server side. ClientConfig: https://github.com/henrikjoreteg/clientconfig
How to use ClientConfig and GetConfig (separately and together) is described here: http://read.humanjavascript.com/ch12-settings-and-configs.html
This seems like a solution to me though I wonder about any potential security issues (that's alway more complex than first appears) and if there is not an easier approach. Any comments or further solution would be appreciated.