I am working on a game for Android and I was wondering why whenever I draw images with transparency there seems to always be some black added to the transparent parts. This
You can also divide by alpha, because, the problem is, when you export your textures, Image processing software may pre-multiply your Alpha channel. I ended up with alpha division into my fragment shader. The following code is HLSL, but you can easily convert it to GLSL:
float4 main(float4 tc: TEXCOORD0): COLOR0
float4 ts = tex2D(Tex0,tc);
//Divide out this pre-multiplied alpha
float3 outColor = ts.rgb / ts.a;
return float4(outColor, ts.a);
Note that this operation is lossy, very lossy and even if it will most likely suffice in cases such as these, it's not a general solution. In your case you can totally ignore the COLOR and serve original alpha AND white in your fragment shader, e.g. return float4(1,1,1,ts.a);
(convert to GLSL)