After updating from Spring Boot 2.1.0.RELEASE to 2.1.1.RELEASE, all HTTPS requests fail with the following error:
2018-12-03 14:23:46,089 PID=21726 LEVEL=ERR
I cannot add comments, so here's a humble addition to the above answer for a slightly different setup (webapp developed with spring framework running on tomcat 8.5).
When building from tcnative from source and using the tomcat from repos, remember to copy the tcnative library to the /usr/lib64 folder and recreate the symbolic links in that folder.
For me the problem started at the beginning of april 2019 when the tomcat was upgraded from 8.5.32 to 8.5.35, but tomcat native was still at version 1.2.17 and no update was available in the repos. The answer from Andy Wilkinson was the only one that I could find that properly explains the issue and helps.