If it\'s a regular database, i can simply use this query to get a list of all table names and their column names of the database.
use [my_database_name]
To expand slightly on @scsimon's answer...
The (schema_id) As Schema_name
is not very useful, as it's really an ID. To get the list of all tables (and their columns) with actual schema names one can use:
SELECT s.name AS schema_name
,t.name AS table_Name
,c.name AS column_Name
FROM [SERVER].[DB].sys.tables t
JOIN [SERVER].[DB].sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
JOIN [SERVER].[DB].sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id
--WHERE s.name = 'dbo'
ORDER BY s.name, t.name, c.name