I am curious about how eloquent knows in which table it should save the records we give it by running $ php artisan tinker
. I do not actually remember setting
Actually, Eloquent in its default way, is an Active Record System just like Ruby On Rails has. Here Eloquent is extended by a model. Those model name can be anything starts with capital letter. Like for example User
or Stock
but the funny thing is this active record system will imagine that if no other name of custom table is specified within the class model then the table name should be the small cased plural form of the Model name. In these cases users
and stocks
But by keeping aside theses names you can extensively can provide your own table name within the model. As in Laravel protected $table= 'customTableName'
Or, in a more descriptive way,
class Stock extends Eloquent{
// Custom Table Name
protected $table = 'custom_tables';
I hope this will solve your curious mind.