I have problem with adding values to multiple columns in listbox in access. I have tried solution like this: Adding items in a Listbox with multiple columns and this: vba li
Here is an example of adding items to a multi-column unbound list box on an access form if the row source is a value list. You have to add it by creating a string that you place in a value list.
Private Sub cmdAddPosition_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Me.lstAddPositions.ColumnCount = 7
If Me.txtAddPos.Value = i And i > 0 And i < 50 Then
Me.lstAddPositions.AddItem "Col1" & "," & "col2" & "," & "Col3" & "," & _
"Col4" & "," & "Col5" & "," & "col6" & "," & "col7" &";"
End If
End Sub