I\'m quite new to VBA and I\'ve been struggling with populating a combobox. I\'m trying to fill a combobox with the contents of the first column in a spreadsheet so I can de
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim CS As Integer
Dim CR As Integer
Dim RF As Integer
Dim PW As Integer
Dim CD As Integer
CS = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Columns(2).End(xlDown).Row
CR = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Columns(3).End(xlDown).Row
RF = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Columns(4).End(xlDown).Row
PW = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Columns(5).End(xlDown).Row
CD = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Columns(6).End(xlDown).Row
With CB_CS
For i = 2 To CS + 1
.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Cells(i, 2).Value
Next i
End With
With CB_CR
For i = 2 To CR + 1
.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Cells(i, 3).Value
Next i
End With
With CB_RF
For i = 2 To RF + 1
.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Cells(i, 4).Value
Next i
End With
With CB_PW
For i = 2 To PW + 1
.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Cells(i, 5).Value
Next i
End With
With CB_CD
For i = 2 To CD + 1
.AddItem ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("LISTS").Cells(i, 6).Value
Next i
End With
End Sub
The code above is located in my UserForm Code (Right-Click on UserForm, then click 'view code')
I created a Worksheet call LISTS. Each column on that sheet is for a different combo-box. Once I filled it out and got the code working I hid the LISTS worksheet.
Each ComboBox I named CB_XX so note those names in the code
I start the code by defining the length of the lists (note this fails if you only have one item in the list but if you only have one item don't use a combo box)
Once I get the lengths I add the correct columns to the correct comboboxes. Note the +1 in each for/next loop. That is to add a blank at the end of each list to allow the user to empty the selection. Remove the +1 if you don't want that blank. I start at i = 2 to not show the header row on my LISTS sheet.