Hi guys I tryed to implement ADBannerView with the old way like Objective C but unsuccessfull. Everythings work but the advertisments didn\'t show up, it stays a blank field
I've found a solution, how to implement it. (You can use inside each method "banner.alpha 1.0" or other things, too.)
//import ... your normal imports as UIKit etc.
import iAd
class YourClassViewController: UIViewController, ADBannerViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet var adBannerView: ADBannerView //connect in IB connection inspector with your ADBannerView
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.canDisplayBannerAds = true
self.adBannerView.delegate = self
self.adBannerView.hidden = true //hide until ad loaded
func bannerViewWillLoadAd(banner: ADBannerView!) {
func bannerViewDidLoadAd(banner: ADBannerView!) {
self.adBannerView.hidden = false //now show banner as ad is loaded
func bannerViewActionDidFinish(banner: ADBannerView!) {
//optional resume paused game code
func bannerViewActionShouldBegin(banner: ADBannerView!, willLeaveApplication willLeave: Bool) -> Bool {
//optional pause game code
return true
func bannerView(banner: ADBannerView!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: NSError!) {
//... your class implementation code
See the following answer, on how to do it without IBBuilder!