I\'m writing a parser in Python. I\'ve converted an input string into a list of tokens, such as:
[\'(\', \'2\', \'.\', \'x\', \'.\', \'(\', \'3\', \'-\', \'1\'
You can write your own split function for lists quite easily by using yield:
def split_list(l, sep):
current = []
for x in l:
if x == sep:
yield current
current = []
yield current
An alternative way is to use list.index
and catch the exception:
def split_list(l, sep):
i = 0
while True:
j = l.index(sep, i)
yield l[i:j]
i = j + 1
except ValueError:
yield l[i:]
Either way you can call it like this:
l = ['(', '2', '.', 'x', '.', '(', '3', '-', '1', ')', '+', '4', ')',
'/', '3', '.', 'x', '^', '2']
for r in split_list(l, '+'):
print r
['(', '2', '.', 'x', '.', '(', '3', '-', '1', ')']
['4', ')', '/', '3', '.', 'x', '^', '2']
For parsing in Python you might also want to look at something like pyparsing.