Why trim is not working in VBA?
for i = 3 to 2000
activesheet.cells(i,\"C\").value = trim(Activesheet.cells(i,\"C\").value)
next i
It is un
Sometimes what looks to be a space is not a space but a character that cannot be displayed. Use the ASC function to get the integer value of the character. Then use the following code:
Function CleanSpace(ByVal StrIn As String) As String
StrIn = Trim(StrIn)
' Searches string from end and trims off excess ascii characters
Dim StrLength As Integer
Dim SingleChar As Integer
Dim StrPosition As Integer
SingleChar = 1
StrLength = Len(StrIn)
StrPosition = StrLength - 1
Do Until Asc(Mid(StrIn, StrPosition, SingleChar)) <> 0
StrPosition = StrPosition - 1
StrIn = Mid(StrIn, 1, StrPosition)
End Function