I have a linq query that does something simple like:
var k = people.Select(x=>new{x.ID, x.Name});
I then want a function or linq lambda,
Here's one using a slightly modified version of my answer to Eric Lippert's Challenge which is IMHO the most concise with easy to follow logic (if you're familiar with LINQ).
static string CommaQuibblingMod(IEnumerable items)
int count = items.Count();
var quibbled = items.Select((Item, index) => new { Item, Group = (count - index - 2) > 0})
.GroupBy(item => item.Group, item => item.Item)
.Select(g => g.Key
? String.Join(", ", g)
: String.Join(" and ", g));
return String.Join(", ", quibbled); //removed braces
var items = k.Select(item => String.Format("{0}:{1}", item.ID, item.Name));
string formatted = CommaQuibblingMod(items);