I\'m trying to add this repository to Eclipse (Indigo):-
Seems okay when checked in a browser, but I keep getting
This worked for me:
Open terminal. Navigate to Eclipse folder.
sudo nano eclipse.ini
at the bottom, add this line in:
-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true
Then ctrl+O to save, ctrl+X to close (it says at bottom). IPv4/IPv6 problems? Solved. Then delete the cache VonC said to:
(This can be done using "sudo rmdir /p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache" or by typing "sudo nautilus" into terminal, to open a root-priveleged filesystem browser, than navigating to, selecting the folder, and pressing the delete key). Then restart eclipse, goto Help>install new software>available software sites
Make sure the repos you want (such as "http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates/") has a "/" right at the end. If it doesn't, delete that entry, and create a new, identical one which does, because Eclipse won't just let you edit it and click ok. Then click ok, and from the combo box choose e.g. the egit link, and lo, it will find it.
Still not working? Window>show view>internal web browser; check it can access internet. Hope that helps!
Credit to: http://drfits.com/2011/11/13/eclipse-contacting-software-sites-has-encountered-a-problem/ VonC Sep 14 '11 at 6:03