I like to Update keys/Values defined in AppSettings
section of Web.config
at runtime. however I DO NOT want to actually save them to Web.conf
Thanks to nkvu which directed me to a his first link which in turn sent me to Williarob's post "Override Configuration Manager" I managed to find a solution to my question.
The mentioned blog post covers how to read settings from another XML file and it works with both windowed applications and web applications (with a little modification in config file name and path). Although this blog written on 2010 it is still working fine with .NET4 without problem.
However as I was going to read my configuration from a secure device, I simplified the class and here is how to use the classes provided by Williarob
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Configuration.Internal;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Williablog.Core.Configuration {
public sealed class ConfigSystem: IInternalConfigSystem {
private static IInternalConfigSystem clientConfigSystem;
private object appsettings;
private object connectionStrings;
/// Re-initializes the ConfigurationManager, allowing us to merge in the settings from Core.Config
public static void Install() {
FieldInfo[] fiStateValues = null;
Type tInitState = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager).GetNestedType("InitState", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (null != tInitState) {
fiStateValues = tInitState.GetFields();
FieldInfo fiInit = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager).GetField("s_initState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
FieldInfo fiSystem = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager).GetField("s_configSystem", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (fiInit != null && fiSystem != null && null != fiStateValues) {
fiInit.SetValue(null, fiStateValues[1].GetValue(null));
fiSystem.SetValue(null, null);
ConfigSystem confSys = new ConfigSystem();
Type configFactoryType = Type.GetType("System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigSettingsFactory, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", true);
IInternalConfigSettingsFactory configSettingsFactory = (IInternalConfigSettingsFactory) Activator.CreateInstance(configFactoryType, true);
configSettingsFactory.SetConfigurationSystem(confSys, false);
Type clientConfigSystemType = Type.GetType("System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", true);
clientConfigSystem = (IInternalConfigSystem) Activator.CreateInstance(clientConfigSystemType, true);
#region IInternalConfigSystem Members
public object GetSection(string configKey) {
// get the section from the default location (web.config or app.config)
object section = clientConfigSystem.GetSection(configKey);
switch (configKey) {
case "appSettings":
// Return cached version if exists
if (this.appsettings != null) {
return this.appsettings;
// create a new collection because the underlying collection is read-only
var cfg = new NameValueCollection();
// If an AppSettings section exists in Web.config, read and add values from it
if (section is NameValueCollection) {
NameValueCollection localSettings = (NameValueCollection) section;
foreach (string key in localSettings) {
cfg.Add(key, localSettings[key]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here I read and decrypt keys and add them to secureConfig dictionary
// To test assume the following line is a key stored in secure sotrage.
//secureConfig = SecureConfig.LoadConfig();
secureConfig.Add("ACriticalKey", "VeryCriticalValue");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach (KeyValuePair item in secureConfig) {
if (cfg.AllKeys.Contains(item.Key)) {
cfg[item.Key] = item.Value;
} else {
cfg.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cach the settings for future use
this.appsettings = cfg;
// return the merged version of the items from secure storage and appsettings
section = this.appsettings;
case "connectionStrings":
// Return cached version if exists
if (this.connectionStrings != null) {
return this.connectionStrings;
// create a new collection because the underlying collection is read-only
ConnectionStringsSection connectionStringsSection = new ConnectionStringsSection();
// copy the existing connection strings into the new collection
foreach (ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting in ((ConnectionStringsSection) section).ConnectionStrings) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Again Load connection strings from secure storage and merge like below
// connectionStringsSection.ConnectionStrings.Add(connectionStringSetting);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cach the settings for future use
this.connectionStrings = connectionStringsSection;
// return the merged version of the items from secure storage and appsettings
section = this.connectionStrings;
return section;
public void RefreshConfig(string sectionName) {
if (sectionName == "appSettings") {
this.appsettings = null;
if (sectionName == "connectionStrings") {
this.connectionStrings = null;
public bool SupportsUserConfig { get { return clientConfigSystem.SupportsUserConfig; } }
To install this (or original version of configuration override) add following line to your Global. class (Global.asax.cs) in Application_Start
Williablog.Core.Configuration.ConfigSystem .Install();
like below:
public class Global: System.Web.HttpApplication {
#region protected void Application_Start(...)
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Williablog.Core.Configuration.ConfigSystem .Install();