I have Jenkins pipeline with an Input step, and I would like to submit this input(single string argument) via a script. So far I am trying with curl, ideally I\'ll be sendi
For properly using the wfapi I'd like to recommend the following bash script. You need an API user on jenkins. The API user should have the permissions Overall/Read, Job/Read and Job/Build set using Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage and Assign Roles.
Let's assume your build is paused using
input message: 'Does the build work on the Testserver?', ok: 'Yes'
The following script will continue it. This is a simplified version, without any checks. It assumes that the most recent build is paused waiting for input. You need to change the variables at the top to match your environment.
JENKINS_WGET_PARAMS="--auth-no-challenge --http-user=${JENKINS_USER} --http-password=${JENKINS_API_TOKEN}"
# Get the ID of the most recent build
mrBuildInfo=$(wget -q -O - ${JENKINS_WGET_PARAMS} "${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JENKINS_PROJECT}/wfapi/runs" | jq '.[0] | {id: .id, status: .status}')
# mrBuildInfo is now something like: '{ "id": "13", "status": "PAUSED_PENDING_INPUT" }'
mrBuildId=$(echo "$mrBuildInfo" | jq --raw-output '.id')
mrBuildStatus=$(echo "$mrBuildInfo" | jq --raw-output '.status')
# From here on we assume that $mrBuildStatus is PAUSED_PENDING_INPUT
# Get the first pending input action, assuming there is one
mrBuildInputActions=$(wget -q -O - ${JENKINS_WGET_PARAMS} "${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JENKINS_PROJECT}/${mrBuildId}/wfapi/pendingInputActions" | jq --raw-output '.[0]')
mrBuildProceedUrl=$(echo "$mrBuildInputActions" | jq --raw-output '.proceedUrl')
mrBuildProceedText=$(echo "$mrBuildInputActions" | jq --raw-output '.proceedText')
# We need to pass json={} and proceed=Yes, the curly braces are already URL encoded here
wget -q -O - "--post-data=json=%7B%7D&proceed=$mrBuildProceedText" ${JENKINS_WGET_PARAMS} "${JENKINS_SERVER_URL}${mrBuildProceedUrl}"
Which basically boils down to:
wget -q -O - "--post-data=json=%7B%7D&proceed=Yes" --auth-no-challenge --http-user=${JENKINS_USER} --http-password=${JENKINS_API_TOKEN} "https://www.example.com/jenkins/job/${JENKINS_JOB}/${JOB_NR}/wfapi/inputSubmit?inputId=YOUR-INPUT-ID"