On a unix system, how do I monitor (like how \'tail\' works) a directory for changes made to files - either new ones created, or size changes, etc.
Looking for a com
Most unix variants have an API for this, but it's not standardized. On Linux, there is inotify. On the command line, you can use inotifywait. Usage example:
inotifywait -m /path/to/dir | while read -r dir event name; do
case $event in
OPEN) echo "The file $name was created or opened (not necessarily for writing)";;
WRITE) echo "The file $name was written to";;
DELETE) echo "The file $name was deleted ";;
Inotify event types are often not exactly what you're trying to notice (e.g. OPEN is very wide), so don't feel bad if you end up making your own file checks.