I am running Lion, utilizing Xcode 4, have RVM and homebrew installed but am only able to run ruby 1.8.7
spurvis:~ rogue$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 p
Make sure you have the latest xcode available (you'll need to update it if you're running a copy from snow leopard. Update RVM rvm get head
and then try again.
I had problems compiling ree but 1.9.2 worked fine, you can try adding this function to .profile in your home directory, it'll compile with gcc (instead of the default LLVM)
# using_gcc for 64btt compiling on lion (solves compatability issues)
function using_gcc() {
env CC="/usr/bin/gcc-4.2" ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" ARCHS="x86_64" $*
Then run using_gcc rvm install 1.9.2