I would like to know if there is a way in WEKA to output a number of \'best-guesses\' for a classification.
My scenario is: I classify the data with cross-validatio
when you calculate a probability for the instance, how exactly do you do this?
I have posted my PART rules and data for the new instance here but as far as calculation manually I am not so sure how to do this! Thanks
EDIT: now calculated:
private float[] getProbDist(String split){
// takes in something such as (52/2) meaning 52 instances correctly classified and 2 incorrectly classified.
if(prob_dis.length > 2)
return null;
if(prob_dis.length == 1){
String temp = prob_dis[0];
prob_dis = new String[2];
prob_dis[0] = "1";
prob_dis[1] = temp;
float p1 = new Float(prob_dis[0]);
float p2 = new Float(prob_dis[1]);
// assumes two tags
float[] tag_prob = new float[2];
tag_prob[1] = 1 - tag_prob[1];
tag_prob[0] = (float)p2/p1;
// returns double[] as being the probabilities
return tag_prob;