How to design a good about box?

前端 未结 6 717
一生所求 2021-01-12 19:04

There is not official standard dealing with the layout of about boxes, which display the credits of a computer software and other information.

  •  生来不讨喜
    2021-01-12 19:48

    As for the About page content, that is the best place to have the version / release information so you can offer easy support.

    I am using mine as the abstract description and a link to the legal pages and a credits page. If you have a website, its URL should be there as well -- might as well make that click-able into your own web-view browser to your big "Company About" page on your web server (don't launch a real browser, or the user just left your application).

    Make it enjoyable to read but be concise. Avoid any scrolling or paging -- except to a completely different set of informational screens.

    Also, let it be obvious and easy to dismiss.

    By-the-way, if you add an easter egg to an app that is submitted to Apple Store, you have to disclose the sequence for Apple to 'test'; they promise to keep the sequence confidential. If they discover it later, which will make it back to them through forums, etc., then they will automatically pull it from the store.
