In many MATLAB plotting functions, you can specify the color as either a string or as a 3 element vector that directly lists the red, green, and blue values.
For ins
In case there isn't, I just hacked one together
function rgbvec = char2rgb (charcolor)
%function rgbvec = char2rgb (charcolor)
%converts a character color (one of 'r','g','b','c','m','y','k','w') to a 3
%value RGB vector
%if charcolor is a string (vector of chars), the result is a Nx3 matrix of
%color values, where N is the length of charcolor
if (~exist(charcolor,'var') || ~ischar(charcolor))
warning('RGB2VEC:NOTC', 'You must pass a character (rgbcmykw)');
rgbvec = [0 0 0];
rgbvec = zeros(length(charcolor), 3);
charwarning = false;
for j = 1:length(charcolor)
case 'r'
rgbvec(j,:) = [1 0 0];
case 'g'
rgbvec(j,:) = [0 1 0];
case 'b'
rgbvec(j,:) = [0 0 1];
case 'c'
rgbvec(j,:) = [0 1 1];
case 'm'
rgbvec(j,:) = [1 0 1];
case 'y'
rgbvec(j,:) = [1 1 0];
case 'w'
rgbvec(j,:) = [1 1 1];
case 'k'
rgbvec(j,:) = [0 0 0];
charwarning = true;
if (charwarning)
warning('RGB2VEC:BADC', 'Only r,g,b,c,m,y,k,and w are recognized colors');