You specify the target columns correctly:
separate(DF, V1, paste0("X",1:8), sep="-")
which gives:
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
1 Place1 Place2 Place2 Place4 Place2 Place3 Place5
2 Place7 Place7 Place7 Place7 Place7 Place7 Place7 Place7
3 Place1 Place1 Place1 Place1 Place3 Place5
4 Place1 Place4 Place2 Place3 Place3 Place5 Place5
5 Place6 Place6
6 Place1 Place2 Place3 Place4
If you don't know how many target columns you need beforehand, you can use:
> max(sapply(strsplit(as.character(DF$V1),'-'),length))
[1] 8
to extract the maximum number of parts (which is thus the number of columns you need).
Several other methods:
splitstackshape :
cSplit(DF, "V1", sep="-", direction = "wide")
stringi :
library(stringi)$V1, "-"), byrow = TRUE))
data.table :
setDT(DF)[, paste0("v", 1:8) := tstrsplit(V1, "-")][, V1 := NULL][]
stringr :
library(stringr)$V1, "-",8))
which all give a similar result.
Used data:
DF <- data.frame(V1=c("Place1-Place2-Place2-Place4-Place2-Place3-Place5",