I\'m using std::bind to provide a callback while abstracting some logic by binding some parameters first. i.e.
void start() {
int secret_id = 43534;
An opaque type and keeping secret in a source should do it:
// Secret.h
typedef struct TagSecret Secret;
typedef void (*SecretFunction)(Secret*, const char* visible);
void secret_call(Secret*, const char* visible);
// Public.c
void public_action(Secret* secret, const char* visible) {
printf("%s\n", visible);
secret_call(secret, visible);
// Secret.c
struct TagSecret {
int id;
void secret_call(Secret* secret, const char* visible) {
printf("%i\n", secret->id);
void start() {
Secret secret = { 43534 };
public_action(&secret, "Hello World");
int main() {
return 0;
(The above does not address registering callback functions)