I have an out-of-process COM server written in C++, which is called by some C# client code. A method on one of the server\'s interfaces returns a large BSTR to the client, a
anelson has covered this pretty well, but I wanted to add a couple of points;
CoTaskMemAlloc is not the only COM-friendly allocator -- BSTRs are recognized by the default marshaller, and will be freed/re-allocated using SysAllocString & friends.
Avoiding USES_CONVERSION (due to stack overflow risks -- see anelson's answer), your full code should be something like this [1]
(note that A2BSTR is safe to use, as it calls SysAllocString after conversion, and doesn't use dynamic stack allocation. Also, use array-delete (delete[]) as BuildResponse likely allocates an array of chars)
HRESULT MyClass::ProcessRequest(BSTR request, BSTR* pResponse)
char* pszResponse = BuildResponse(CW2A(request));
*pResponse = A2BSTR(pszResponse);
delete[] pszResponse;
return S_OK;