How would one, using Python, approximate the font width of a given string of text?
I am looking for a function with a prototype similar to:
def getA
Below is my simple solution, which gets you on the order of 80% accuracy, perfect for my purposes. It only works for Arial and it assumes 12 pt font, but it's probably proportional to other fonts as well.
def getApproximateArialStringWidth(st):
size = 0 # in milinches
for s in st:
if s in 'lij|\' ': size += 37
elif s in '![]fI.,:;/\\t': size += 50
elif s in '`-(){}r"': size += 60
elif s in '*^zcsJkvxy': size += 85
elif s in 'aebdhnopqug#$L+<>=?_~FZT' + string.digits: size += 95
elif s in 'BSPEAKVXY&UwNRCHD': size += 112
elif s in 'QGOMm%W@': size += 135
else: size += 50
return size * 6 / 1000.0 # Convert to picas
And if you want to truncate a string, here it is:
def truncateToApproximateArialWidth(st, width):
size = 0 # 1000 = 1 inch
width = width * 1000 / 6 # Convert from picas to miliinches
for i, s in enumerate(st):
if s in 'lij|\' ': size += 37
elif s in '![]fI.,:;/\\t': size += 50
elif s in '`-(){}r"': size += 60
elif s in '*^zcsJkvxy': size += 85
elif s in 'aebdhnopqug#$L+<>=?_~FZT' + string.digits: size += 95
elif s in 'BSPEAKVXY&UwNRCHD': size += 112
elif s in 'QGOMm%W@': size += 135
else: size += 50
if size >= width:
return st[:i+1]
return st
Then the following:
>> width = 15
>> print truncateToApproxArialWidth("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", width)
the quick brown fox jumps over the
>> print truncateToApproxArialWidth("THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG", width)
When rendered, those strings are roughly the same width:
the quick brown fox jumps over the