For a side project in my PhD, I engaged in the task of modelling some system in Python. Efficiency wise, my program hits a bottleneck in the following problem, which I\'ll e
You can use numpy's vectorization capabilities to speed up the calculation. My version computes all elements of the distance matrix at once and then sets the diagonal and the lower triangle to zero.
def pairwise_distance2(s):
# we need this because we're gonna divide by zero
old_settings = np.seterr(all="ignore")
N = N_segments # just shorter, could also use len(s)
# we repeat p0 and p1 along all columns
p0 = np.repeat(s[:,0:3].reshape((N, 1, 3)), N, axis=1)
p1 = np.repeat(s[:,3:6].reshape((N, 1, 3)), N, axis=1)
# and q0, q1 along all rows
q0 = np.repeat(s[:,0:3].reshape((1, N, 3)), N, axis=0)
q1 = np.repeat(s[:,3:6].reshape((1, N, 3)), N, axis=0)
# element-wise dot product over the last dimension,
# while keeping the number of dimensions at 3
# (so we can use them together with the p* and q*)
a = np.sum((p1 - p0) * (p1 - p0), axis=-1).reshape((N, N, 1))
b = np.sum((p1 - p0) * (q1 - q0), axis=-1).reshape((N, N, 1))
c = np.sum((q1 - q0) * (q1 - q0), axis=-1).reshape((N, N, 1))
d = np.sum((p1 - p0) * (p0 - q0), axis=-1).reshape((N, N, 1))
e = np.sum((q1 - q0) * (p0 - q0), axis=-1).reshape((N, N, 1))
# same as above
s = (b*e-c*d)/(a*c-b*b)
t = (a*e-b*d)/(a*c-b*b)
# almost same as above
pairwise = np.sqrt(np.sum( (p0 + (p1 - p0) * s - ( q0 + (q1 - q0) * t))**2, axis=-1))
# turn the error reporting back on
# set everything at or below the diagonal to 0
pairwise[np.tril_indices(N)] = 0.0
return pairwise
Now let's take it for a spin. With your example, N = 1000
, I get a timing of
%timeit pairwise_distance(List_of_segments)
1 loops, best of 3: 10.5 s per loop
%timeit pairwise_distance2(List_of_segments)
1 loops, best of 3: 398 ms per loop
And of course, the results are the same:
(pairwise_distance2(List_of_segments) == pairwise_distance(List_of_segments)).all()
returns True
. I'm also pretty sure there's a matrix multiplication hidden somewhere in the algorithm, so there should be some potential for further speedup (and also cleanup).
By the way: I've tried simply using numba first without success. Not sure why, though.