Is the following theorem provable in Coq? And if not, is there a way to prove it isn\'t provable?
Theorem not_for_all_is_exists:
forall (X : Set) (P : X
It's not provable, because it's equivalent to double negation elimination (and the other classical axioms).
My Coq skills are very rusty currently, but I can quickly illustrate why your theorem implies double negation elimination.
In your theorem, instantiate X
to unit
and P
to fun _ => X
for an arbitrary X : Prop
. Now we have ~(unit -> ~ X) -> exists (u : unit), X
. But because of the triviality of unit
this is equivalent to ~ ~ X -> X
The backwards implication can be proved with a straightforward application of double negation elimination on ~ ~ (exists x, P x)
My Agda is much better, so I can at least show the proofs there (don't know if that's helpful, but it might back up my claims a bit):
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Function
∀∃ : Set _
∀∃ = (A : Set)(P : A → Set) → ¬ (∀ x → ¬ P x) → ∃ P
Dneg : Set _
Dneg = (A : Set) → ¬ ¬ A → A
to : ∀∃ → Dneg
to ∀∃ A ¬¬A = proj₂ (∀∃ ⊤ (const A) (λ f → ¬¬A (f tt)))
fro : Dneg → ∀∃
fro dneg A P f = dneg (∃ P) (f ∘ curry)