This is a continuation of the question posted in: How to load a jar file at runtime
I am uncertain as to how to continue to the method invocation level. From my und
Here is some reflection code that doesn't cast to an interface:
public class ReflectionDemo {
public void print(String str, int value) {
public static int getNumber() { return 42; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Class> clazz = ReflectionDemo.class;
// static call
Method getNumber = clazz.getMethod("getNumber");
int i = (Integer) getNumber.invoke(null /* static */);
// instance call
Constructor> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();
Object instance = ctor.newInstance();
Method print = clazz.getMethod("print", String.class, Integer.TYPE);
print.invoke(instance, "Hello, World!", i);
Writing the reflected classes to an interface known by the consumer code (as in the example) is generally better because it allows you to avoid reflection and take advantage of the Java type system. Reflection should only be used when you have no choice.