I\'m trying to plot from a rather complex array in R. I want to produce an image with 3 by 3 graphs, each with red and blue points on it.
I\'ve got a structure of a
The key thing here is to use lapply on the index rather than on the array itself, so then you can use the index to subset both your y limits and the array ahead of the inner loop. This also avoids having to use the <<-
Simplified your data a bit:
par(mfrow=c(3,3),pty="s") # a 3 by 3 graphic
x <- 1:10 # with 1 to 54 along the x axis
dims <- c(10,6,3,2)
y <- array(rexp(prod(dims)), dim=c(10,6,3,2)) # and the y axis coming
ymax <- c(1,0.1,0.3)
lapply(1:3, function(counter, arr) {
arr[ ,counter + 2, , ], 2,
function(ii) {
plot(x, ii[,1], col="blue", ylim=c(0,ymax[counter]))
points(x, ii[,2], col="red")
} )